Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Random Acts of Kindness

RAK March 2010
Originally uploaded by nethy85
I've been RAKed today! This wonderfull package arrived to me this morning from Riika (stricker in ravelry) from Germany. Many scraps (and some fulls I think) of beutifull pink and purple yarn that I collect to make a Traveler's Life Afghan. In the package were also 5 sets of DPNs metalic and bamboo, some candies (yummy!) and a postcard with a note. It really made my day!

For those of you that wonder what RAK is, there are two groups in Ravelry, an international and a european one. Here is how it works: First, you post a wish list of things you would like, knitting-related or not. Once you post your wish list, you may also choose to keep an eye out for other people’s wish lists. If someone see’s something on your list that they would like to send to you, they will PM you asking for your mailing address so that they can send it to you. The same thing applies if you’d like to send someone something on their list.

Isn't it great?


  1. Sometimes the communities could be great :P
    And you are doing awsome job! Keep up the good work!

  2. Καλημερα!!!
    Ωραια νηματα και πολυ ομορφο το πλεκτο σου με το μοχερ.

  3. Σ'ευχαριστώ! Έχω πλέξει όλα τα κομμάτια αλλά το έχω παρατημένο κάπου σε μια τσάντα. Δεν το μπορώ το ράψιμο καθόλου.. Σκέφτομαι (κάποια στιγμή) να το κάνω από την αρχή μονοκόματο, γύρω γύρω.
